Going to the cinema is safe | No contagion in movie theaters after more than four months open

Going to the cinema is safe | No contagion in movie theaters after more than four months open

No contagion in films theaters after more than four months open

  • According to data from the Ministry of Health, the incidence of Covid-19 in cultural activities is marginal, with only 0.01% of outbreaks occurring in cultural spaces. 
  • The zero incidence of Covid-19 in cinemas, according to Health data, has demonstrated the safety of theaters thanks to the strict sanitary protocol approved and implemented by the sector. 
  • At an international level, the cases of Covid-19 registered in cinemas are zero, according to the monitoring carried out by the specialized media CelluloidJunkie. 

Both the main security measures that are applied in cinemas and the correct use of the mask in theaters have been collected in two special spots that are projected in movie theaters before each session and that can be viewed in the following links : 

Safety and hygiene protocol in the reopening of cinemas

Instructions for using the mask in cinemas

Going to the cinemas is safe !! ;)

Nota de prensa FECE 28/10/2020
